Job Seeking Skills Can Improve Your Career and Your Life

During the years you work, you will probably change jobs and even careers many times. Knowing how to find a good job is a valuable skill that can make a difference in your career and your life. Many job seekers have never learned effective job seeking skills. In fact most have never read a book on how to find a job. As a result they often are unemployed far longer than they need to be. And they often take jobs that don't give them the pay and satisfaction another job might. Job seeking skills can help you obtains more rewarding jobs throughout your life. This quiz is designed to help you discover what you know about looking for work. It will also help you think about your job search. Your answers will not be graded. Read each question carefully and answer as well as you can. 
Name five reasons why people stay unemployers.
What are the top three reasons that employers give for screening out not hiring job seekers?
List five of your best or most important skills. Note these skills don't have to be related. They should be things you do particlar well.
What are two most effective techniques  for finding a job. 
How many hours per week should you invest in a job search. What percentage of all jobs is adveristed.