Nearctic resin:
The Species of the Nearctic and
Polartec are so alike that they
form a super realm the Holarctic
Bold eagles typicity North America
however, related eagle occur in the
Polartec Realm:
The Polartec includes
Eurasia and northern
Africa. Now hunted
to near extinction wild
goats such as the alphine
ibex once ranged from
Spain to the Hindialyas.
Kelp Forest:
Kelp are giant brown
alpha that may grow to
160 feet mi or more in length
They require cool costa
temperature and a rocky
bottom upon which to attach
Kelp forest in the eastern
Pacific provide a complex
an ecosystem and a rocky bottom
upon which to attach. Kelp forest
in the eastern Pacific provide
a complex ecosystem that supports
a wide variety of marine fish such as this
colico boss.