Walt Disney The Hunchback of Notre Dame part 2

The fearsome Judge Claude Frollo 

emerged from the shadows. In addition, the judge

noticed that the gypsy woman was carrying a bundle. Stolen goods no doubt, he said. Take them from her. Frightened the woman started to run. Frollo chased her through the streets of Paris.  The woman ran up the steps of the cathedral with Frollo galloping after her. As he grabbed the bundle she fell and hit her head. Her eyes fluttered shut never to open again. From inside the bundle came the sound of crying. A baby murmured Frollo. He drew back the cover and gasped. A monster. The archdeacon of the cathedral told Frollo. To pay for this woman's death you must keep the child and raise it as your own. Then let him live with this woman's death you must keep the child and raise it as your own. Then let him live with you, locked away in the bell tower. Frollo replied Someday he might prove useful to me. Frollo named the child Quasimodo which means half formed. As the boy became a young man his form remained as misshapen as ever. But his strength was beyond that of ordinary men. With his strong arms he rang the bells until they were as much a part of his life as the stone gargoyles on the cathedral walls. When Quasimodo was alone some of the gargoyles spoke to him. Look exclaimed Hugo, peering down into the square. Today is the Festival of Fools. Are you going to watch, Quasi? Quasimodo just shrugged and went inside. Laverne watched him sadly and said.  What good is watching a party if you never get to go?