Little Mermaid Walt Disney part 4

Still the prince felt sorry for Ariel so he

brought her to his castle. His servants fed her

and gave her pretty clothes to wear. The next day the prince took Ariel for a coach ride through his kingdom She's so lovely Eric said to himself. If only she were the girl I've been searching for. The next day the prince took Ariel for a boat ride. There isn't much time thought Ariel. If he doesn't kiss me soon. I will become Ursula's slave.

Although Ariel didn't know it the prince was

falling in love and was just about to kiss her.

But Flotsam and Jetsam had been watching them.

They tipped the over and sent young couple tumbling into the water before Ariel could get her kiss. Ursula had been watching the couple in her magic bubble. She decided to trick Eric so Ariel would never get her kiss. The witch transformed herself into a beautiful girl. With Ariel's voice locked inside the seasbell necklace, Ursula would sound just like Eric's true love. The following day as Ursula walked along the beach the sound of Ariel's beautiful voice filled the air. Eric could hardly believe his  ears. The girl who had saved his life had finally come back to him. Quickly the Sea Witch put a spell on Eric and he decided to marry her right away. Ursula's nasty trick had worked. She and Eric were to be married on his ship that very day. In her cabin Ursula laughed as she looked at her true reflection in the mirror. Luckily Scuttle saw Ursula's real reflection too. Scuttle and Flounder rushed off to find Ariel and tell her about the Sea Witch's latest trick. Don't worry Ariel We'll help you said Scuttle as Flounder pulled her out to the ship. Then Scuttle flew to the ship. With the help of sea lion pelican and other birds. Scuttle stopped the wedding. As Ariel climbed over the railing the birds tore at Ursula's clothing and pulled her hair. The seashell fell from Ursula's neck. When it broke Ariel's voice returned to her instantly. Ariel called out to warn the prince. Then Eric knew he had been tricked. But time had run out. The sun had started to set and Ariel was already turning back into a mermaid. You belong to  me now Gloated Ursula who had turned back in her mean ugly self. She grabbed Ariel and slithered into the sea. But Eric was not about to let Ariel slip away this  time. Grabbing a harpoon he dived into the sea and hurled it at the Sea Witch. That made Ursula angerier than ever. She transformed herself into a huge monster and tried to crush poor Ariel and the prince with her black tentacles. Eric clutched the Little Mermaid to him trying to protect her from the witch's fury. Eric knew he had to do something and fast. Climbing aboard a ship that Ursula's angry thrashing had raised from the bottom of the sea he grabbed the wheel. He  aimed the ship's prow at Ursula and sailed full speed ahead. As the boat struck the witch she let out a terrible scream. Then she was gone forever. Everyone was glad the Sea Witch was gone but Ariel was still unhappy. Even Triton could see that his daughter was truly in love. So using his  magic powers, he granted Ariel  her dearest wish he made her human again. Triton watched as Eric and Ariel walked toward the castle. I'm going to miss her King Triton said to Sebastian but I know they'll be happy. Soon after that Eric and Ariel were married in a splendid shipboard wedding with all the merpeople looking on and just as King Triton had predicted they lived happily ever after. The End