Walt Disney The Hunchback of Notre Dame part 7

Quasimodo bid Phoebus under a table just before Judge Frollo arrived. Frollo hissed I know you helped the coming gyspy girl escape. She tricked you. But I know where her hideout  is he lied and at dawn will attack with a thousand men. He whirled around and stormed off.

Phoebus heard everything In the pain he rose to his feet and asked Quasimodo to help him find the Court of Miracle. I can't disobey my again Quasimodo told him. Aren't you Esmeralda's friend? the soldier wondered. Then Phoebus staggered off to search for the Court of Miracle on his own. The gargoyles watched as Quasimodo made his decision. He would help his friend. Quasimodo caught up with Phoebus and showed him the necklace It's a map he said. Together they followed it to a cemetery. They went down a secret passage and soon found themselves surround by gypses disguised as skeletons. Clopin accused the two of hung being Frollo spices. These men aren't spies they're our friends shouted Esmeralda. The gypesis listened as Phoebus warned them of Frollo's planned attack I never could have found you without Quasimodo help he added. Nor could I said the booming voice of Judge Frollo. Without knowing it Quasimodo and Phoebus had led the judge and his soldiers to the hideout. Frollo accused Esmeralda o 

   of being a witch. She would pay with her life. Phoebus and the gypises were arrested and Quasimodo was chained up in bell tower. Soon it was time for Esmeralda's sentence to be carried out. Your day has come gypsy Frollo told Esmeralda  as he fit the  fire. Suddenly there was an anguished cry from the cathedral. Quasimodo had broken his chains he swung down from the bell tower and lifted the unconcious Esmeralda in his way back to the cathedral where he cried Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Furious Frollo ordered an assault on the cathedral.