cinderella 8

There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing Cinderella sobbed. She didn't notice the lights that twinkled and danced all around her. But Jaq and Gus did. They could hardly believe their eyes. The lights turned into a kind looking woman. The woman patted Cinderella's head. She said You must believe in something or I couldn't be here. and here I am So dry your tears. Now where did I put my wand. The woman was Cinderella's fairy godmother. Everything she needed to help Cinderella was right in the garden. The Fairy Godmother waved her wand Bibbidi Bibbidi boo 

Four mice became for  white horses. Bibbidi bibbidi boo. A pumpkin turned into a beautiful coach. A horse became the coachman and a dog became the footman.  The Fairy Godmother was very pleased. Hop in my dear. We can't waste time. She urged Don't you think my dress. Cinderella begin. Good heavens child You can't go like that said the Fairy Godmother. Bibbidi B ibbidi boo. Suddenly Cinderella was wearing the gown of her dreams. And on her feet she wore glass slippers. The Fairy Godmother said. Like all dreams  my magic must end. At midnight the spell will be broken. Cinderella promised to be home before  midnight. Off she rode to the ball. The ball had already began the king was not very happy. He wanted his son to marry the prince had danced with all the girls at the ball. But he had not fallen in love with any of them. Love at first sight only happens in fairy tales the Duke told as the King.