Hard book 1 for Real job training 1

Look out Girl here come to the toliver twins. Have mercy they look like they're ready to bite something Delica pulled her books close to her body and tried to avoid what looked like was going to be a direct confrontation  with the two most feared boys at the school- Tabu and Titian  Tolliver. Or want something Charlane whispered eyes wide with real concern   I wouldn't want to be alone in a room with them Every time pass me I got so scared I feel like I'm gonna wet my pants. That is diagusting Delia said laughing as she glanced at Charlene I ain't lyin I'm scared for real. I heard they want having puppies and kittens for fun. Felicity Johnson lives next door to them and she told me she found her kitten dead on her front step. It had been stabbed with the knife. Charlene said dramatically shouldering at the thought. I heard that too but that's no proof that the twins wanted her kitten Delica said trying to sound reasonable Sometimes kids just make that stuff up cause a sounds gross Greg Mason dog was also dead Sobbed and he lives down street from the Tolliver Charlene added with authority. 

________________________________________\On a warm and sunny Saturday morning. Carrie Fitzagerald stopped out of her walk in closet wearing a lime green miniskirt It was short she was positive she could never under any circ mese tav bend over it.