Foals in the Field Chapter 1 page 7-8

A black and white kitten looked up and limped to the side of the cage pushing a paw through the bars. One of its legs was thickly banged and there was a dressing on its abdomen. In fact there seemed to be more bandge than kitten. Poor Scrap said Mandy opening the cage and taking the little animal out. Are you feeling sore? You'll soon be better don't worry. Mandy was determinded that she was going to be a vet too when she grew up. She spent every minutes her parents would allow around the animals that moment. The little kitten had taken on a much bigger cat in a fight and lost. Scrap had been in a sorry state when his owner brought him into Animal Ark. Even Simon the clinic nurse had thought the kitten couldn't be  saved. But Dr. Emily h ad spent two hours on the  working on the little kitten's leg and abdomial injuries. He was doing much better now. Dr. Adam looked into the residential unit just as Mandy was putting back into his cage Ready he asked. Mandy nodded I've cleaned the cage she replied I'll just wash my hands. Dr. Adam turned as the sound of a bicycle bell came floating through the open window. That sounds like James. Mandy turned off the tap and dried her hands on a paper towel Ready she cried.