Foals in the Field Chapter 1 page 5-6

James was Mandy's best friend. They rode their bikes to school in Walton together every weekday. He was a year younger than she was and in a different class but they had persusaded their teachers to let them work on their local history project together. James and his Labrador Blackie were always at Animal Ark James liked animals almost as much as Mandy did. Mandy groaned Not quite she said. Then she brightened Wait a minute Drysdale Farm is pretty old isn't it Dad. Dr. Adam nodded At least a couple of hundred years He said. That's great them said Mandy Our project is about Wolford and the surrounding area as it was in olden times. Two hundred years is definitely olden times. James can come too and we can make it part of our project. I'll just give him a call and get him to bring his camera and the map. I'll still have time to clean out Scrap's cage and see how he's doing.