Foals in the Field Chapter 1 page 3-4

Mrs. Ponsonly was the bossiest woman in Welford. She heavily involved in the Welford Town Women's Club. If anybody set up a commmitee. Mrs. Ponsonly was bound on be on it- no matter what it was for She's always poking her into other people business said Mandy. Fiona is Mrs. Ponsonly's niece, Dr. Emily reminded her. Mrs. Ponsonly is worried about her. She's says Fiona is wearing herself out working at Drysdale every weekend. But Fiona wants to help Nick with the farm so that they can get married Mandy declared I think he's wonderful wanting to raise horse. Mrs. Ponsonly doesn't think raising horses is a good job said Emily Hope. She's wrong there said Adam Hope It's one the hardest jobs there is. Oh I'm really forward to seeing Besse's foals said Mandy. But I hope they don't come soon for sake  said Emily Hope. It won't be easy for Bessie giving birth to twin

said Emily Hope.