Foals in the Field Chapter 1 page 2-3

Dr. Adam ruffled his daughter's hair and poured

himself a cup of tea from the blue and white striped pot. Of course  she is  he replied Nick is just a little worried about her that's all. She's been restless. Dr. Emily looked up How restless she asked. Dr. Adam shrugled She's been lying down and standing up  early morning he said She just can't settle. What does that mean Mandy asked Sometimes when a mare is near to giving birth she gets very uncomfortable Dr. Emily explained. She'

ll move around, lie down then stand up. You mean  Bessie might be foaling early asked Mandy. She might be showing signs of restlessness just because she's carrying twins said Dr. Adam.

I hope so Dr. Emily said, Nick has got enough troubles without premature foals to look after. Mrs. Ponsonly says, Nick has taken on more than he  can handle at Drysdale said Mandy munching on a slice of toast. Emily Hope laughed That sounds just like Mrs Ponsonly she replied.