Thursday, December 29, 2016

Compound Recipes page 29

Compound  Recipes page 29

Take a look at these common compounds. Think of them as a cake you're about to bake. Then look at the elements, which are like ingredients. There's a big difference between the final compound and the elements that bond together to make it. 
Chalk: Compound Gypsum (a soft powder).
            Elements Calcium (a silver metal)  sulfur (a yellow powder and oxygen-a gas).
In addition, Sand: Compound Silica (a hard clear crystal.) Elements Silicon (a shiny solid) and oxygen (a gas.).
 Water: Compound Water (a clear liquid) Elements Hydron (a gas)  plus oxygen (a gas.) Table Salt: Compound Halite (a salty white solid). Elements Sodium (a soft metal) and chlorine (a smelly poisonous gas.) 
Sugar: Compound Sucrose (a sweet white solid) Elements Hydrogen and oxygen (gases) plus carbon (a black solid.)