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''The Earth''

The Earth is the fifth 
largest planet the Solar
System, with a diameter of 7,920 mi, and a circumference of 12,869 mi at the Equator. Central Sun is polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus realized in the 1500s
that the Universe must work with the Sun at the center of the Universe and that planets in the Solar System moved around it. Amazing Fact: Because the Earth rotates and more flexible than you might think, it bulges in the middle like a pumpkin the bulge was lessening for centuries but now suddenly it is growing again because of accelerated melting of the glaciers. Scientists call the planet Earth the geosphere. The outer rocky part on which we live is the blashere. Surrounding this is the atmosphere in the layers. The inside of the Earth is a also in layers. At the center is a solid inner core made an alloy of nickels and iron squeezed together under pressure. The rocks surrounding the core are hot and  liquid.