
  2. Image result for Microscopes medical Microsopes
  3. Microscopes part 2

    • Electrons have wavelengths one hundred thousand (100,000) times smaller than light and so can give huge magnifications.
    • Scanning electrons microscopes SEMs are able to magnify things up to one hundred thousand (100,000) times.
    • SEMs show such things as the structures inside body cells.
    • Tranmission Electron Micropes (TEMS) magnify even more than SEMS -up to five (5) million times,
    • In addition, TEMs can reveal the individual molecules in the cell.
    • SEM specimens (things studied) must be coated in a special substance such as gold. They give a three dimensional view.
    • Optical miscropes speciment are thinly sliced and placed between two glass slides They give a cross sectional view.
    • Microscopes help to indenfily germs.