The story of the  earliest people to come to what is known today as the American begins thousands of  years ago. In many ways the story is filled with mystery. No one know exactly where the first peoples of the Americas came from or when the arrived.  One thing however is certain. After early peoples arrived they slowly moved throughout North and South America. Over they developed many different ways of life. They built different kinds of villages and some built large cities.  

They wore different kinds of clothing and spoke many different languages. Today we know by many different names such as Cree Zuni Inquois and Aztec Together they are known as Native Americans or American Indians They were the first Americans.   

data-entry 1‎ > ‎data-entry 2‎ > ‎data-entry 3‎ > ‎data entry4Humans have always been on the move. From earliest times until today have wandered the globe. Sometimes their journeys are fast moving exciting adventures. Other times their movements are so slow that they are hard to notice it was in just this way very-very slowly  thatearly people first moved from place to place on the Earth.