1. woof Cute as a Button By wendy loggia Chapter 1 page 2

    She giggled again. Having Coco made her want to smile all the time!
    Everything had happened so quickly. One day
    she didn't have a dog__and the next day she did!
    Ever since she'd seen Toto hop into
    Dorothy's basket in The Wizard of Oz, Lauren
    Parker had wanted a dog. Her dad agreed that a
    pooch might be fun. The problem was that Dad
    said, it was up to Lauren and her mom to pick
    out the kind of dog they would get,
    Lauren was not a very good decision maker.
    Neither was her mom. They couldn't decide!Big or small? Black or white? Finally they came up with four requirements. 

    To be a member of the Parker family our dog must be:
    And it should not shed.
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  2. woof Cute as a Button By wendy loggia Chapter 1 Page 1

    Ooh, kissy kissy Lauren cooed
    touching Coco's round black nose to hers.
    Then she kissed her puppy's muzzle giggling
    as the soft hairs tickled her lips. I love you so much.
    Let me see her Emily Conner begged inching closer.
    She's so little Kaia Hopkins said reaching 
    to pet Coco's  puffy white hair.
    In addition, and light Lauren said lifting the bichon frise high above their heads.