''Prisoners for the Lord''  Part 1
Person                        Situation
Joseph                        Refused to be seduced by his boss's wife, resulting in false
Gen 39:7-23;             accusations of sexual harassment and time in prison;
41:1-43                       eventually rose to leadership according to God's plan.
Samson                      Allowed himself to be tricked by his lover Delilah into
Judge 16:21-31         revealing the secret of his strength resulting in arrest by
                                     the Philistines who paraded him as a trophy until God
                                     enabled him to take revenge-and his own life in the process.
Micaiah                       Refused to join other prophets in falsely predicting that
1 Kings 22:1-38          Ahab would succeed in battle resulting in his imprisonment Ahab did die in the battle.
Hanani                        As a seer of the Lord condemned King Asa for relying on
2 Chr 16:7-17             the Syrians, for which he was put in prison.