The Art of Bird-Watching

Field birding has gone through a remarkable metamorphosis in recent
years. A greater sophistication has developed among binocular addicts,
and a polarization has taken place as a result.
At one extreme is the holistic approach at other is the micro method. Using the holistic approach the experienced raptor watcher 
perched on a boulder on Hawk Mountain or the seabird buff sailing off
the coast no longer relies only on the obvious field marks described in field guides. Instead while the bird is still half a mile away the holistic birder uses shape manner flight wing beat and a number of other subtle 
visual clues to come up with an identification. Birders who use the micro-
method bring field birding almost full cycle their spotting scopes provide the type of bird 
in hand detail that to be restricted to the specimentry. With high powered spotting scope birders can even see the parasites on a Peregegine Falcon. Mirco- method  birders mighty refer to worn tertials and other  characteristics of minute detail.
Birds are a perfect vehile for understanding the natural world and there are many ways to watch the