Ten Commandment God's Laws
God reward the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Now they
needed guidance on how to live as God's people. Moses went
up Mount Sinai and there God gave him the Ten Commandments.
The commandments fall into two groups. The first four are about
how to live with God. The second six are about getting along with
other people.
1.) You shall have no other gods before me.
(God must come first in your life.)
2.) You shall not make for yourself an
idol in the form of anything in the
heaven above or the earth beneath or
in the waters below. You shall not bow
down to them  or worship them.
(You must not make any image to
worship God is invisible you must
worship only God.)
3.)  You shall not misuse the name
of the Lord your God.
(God's name is not a magic charm.)
4.)  Remember the Sabbath day by
keeping it holy.
(One day in seven is for rest and worship.)
5.) Honour your father and mother.
(Respect your parents.)
6.) You shall not murder
7.) You shall not commit adultery
(Do not have a love affair with
someone else's husband and wife.)
8.) You shall not steal.
9.) You shall not give false testimony
against your neighbour.
(You must not tell lies about anyone in
a court of law.)
10.) You shall not covet your
neighbour's house....  or anything that
belongs to your neighbour.
(You must not long to have something
that is not yours.)