
    the Moon part 2
    A lunor month is the time between 
    one Full Moon and the next. This is
    slighty longer than the time the moon
    takes to orbit the Earth because the 
    Earth is also moving.
    The Moon has no atmophere and its
    surface is simply gray dust pitted with
    crators created by meteories smoshing 
    into it early in its history.
    On the Moon's surface one large
    dark patches called seas because that 
    is what people once believed they were
    They are in fact Java flows from 
    ancient valconoes.
    One side of the Moon is always
    turned away from us and is called its
    dark sides this is because the moon
    spins around on its axis at exactly the
    same speed that it orbits the Earth.
    The moon is relatively close to the
    Earth and therefore seem much 
    larger than the stars.
    The moon's gravity is
    17 percent of the Earth's
    so astronouts in space suits
    can jump 13 ft high.
    The changes from New to Full
    Moon and back again are called
    the phases of the Moon. The  full cycle
    from New to Full and takes one month.
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    The Moon part 1

    The Moon is 238,885 (two hundred thirty-eighty thousand eight hundred eighty-five) mi from the Earth and about 25 (twenty-five) percent of Earth's size. In addition, the moon orbits the Earth once every month and each orbit takes 27.3 days It spins once on its oxis every 720 (seven hundred twenty) hours. The Moon is  the brightest object in the night sky. But it does not give out any light itself it shines only because its light colored surface reflects sunlight. Only the side the Moon lit by the Sun is bright enough to see. And because we see more of this side each then less again. The moon seems to change shape. During the first half of each monthly cycle the Moon waxes grows from a crescent shaped New Moon its a full moon. During the second half it crescent shaped old moon. The moon may have formed when a smaller newly planet callidad with the Earth early on  in the formation of the Solar System.
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    Thursday, October 6, 2016


    St. Peter considered to  be the first pope St. Peter was Jesus' apostles He was buried in Rome.This pointing shows Godcreating the first man and womanAdam and Eve According to Jewish traditionAdam was made from earth andEve  was made from ribbone in Adam's ribs.Christian follow the teachings andlife of Jesus believed to the son ofGod. Jesus respected the teachings  ofJudaism but added his own messagethe most important thing is to loveGod and behave well towardsother people.An Old Testament story in the Bible  tellshow God asked Abraham to offer himhis only son Isaac as a sacrificeGod stopped Abraham just in time oncehe had tested his obedience Abrahamis an important figure in Judaism,Christianity and Islam.  The Christmas StoryChristian believe that Jesus was born in a stable inBethlehem to Mary the virgin and her future husbandJoseph a carpenter. Three shepherds came to honor thenewborn child whose birth was announced to them by angels.Jesus Christ was crucified onthe hill of Golgotha in Jerusalem. Histeachings later formed the basics ofthe Christian religion. Who was Abigail?Wife of a mean man named NabalNabal was rude to David's servants.That made David angry. Abigailwas sorry about her husband'sattitude. She packed up a tasty feastfor David and his servants. Then shehurried off to find them.David was kind to Abigail andhe forgave Nabal. Later afterNabal died Abigail and David got married.  

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    ''The Earth''

    The Earth is the fifth 
    largest planet the Solar
    System, with a diameter of 7,920 mi, and a circumference of 12,869 mi at the Equator. Central Sun is polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus realized in the 1500s
    that the Universe must work with the Sun at the center of the Universe and that planets in the Solar System moved around it. Amazing Fact: Because the Earth rotates and more flexible than you might think, it bulges in the middle like a pumpkin the bulge was lessening for centuries but now suddenly it is growing again because of accelerated melting of the glaciers. Scientists call the planet Earth the geosphere. The outer rocky part on which we live is the blashere. Surrounding this is the atmosphere in the layers. The inside of the Earth is a also in layers. At the center is a solid inner core made an alloy of nickels and iron squeezed together under pressure. The rocks surrounding the core are hot and  liquid. 
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    Astronomers viewing the Sun through special filters can detect dark spots, which is called sunspots on the sun's surface. The sunspots are caused by changes to the magnetic field surrounding the Sun. As the Sun spins round the magnetic field become tangled. Sunspots develop  in places where the magnetic force has become up to 3,000 (three thousand) times stranger than so the sunspots appear darker than the surrounding surface.  
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    ''Tilting the Earth''

    As the tilts on its axis and
    spins around the Sun the 
    Sun warms different parts of the
    Earth is the third planet  out from the
    Sun an average 93 (ninety-three) million mi away.
    On January 3 at the nearest point of its orbit collect the perihelion the Earth is
    91,402,335 (ninety-one thousand four hundred two thousand three hundred thirty-five) Mi away 
    from the sun. On July 4th at its furthest the ophelion it is 94,509,440 (ninety-four thousand five hundred nine thousand four hundred forty) mi away.
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  7. ''The Sun'' 

    The sun is the Earth's nearest 
    star about 93.2 million mi away. It is a medium sized star and belongs to a group of star types that astronomers call main sequence stars. Most of these including the sun will burn for about ten billion years before expanding and cooling to become red giants ultimately using up all their fuel. In addition, The sun is about halfway through its lifetime.
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    ''Types of Planets in the Solar System'' Part 2 2

    • Earth- is the fifth largest in the Solar system with a diameter of 7,920 mi and a circumference of at the Equator.
    • mars- is the nearest planet to Earth after Venus and its temperature is the closet of any the planet of the Earth to the Earth although it is much colder.
    •  Jupiter- is the biggest planet in the Solar System twice as heavy as the other planet put the together. 
    • Saturn- is the second biggest planet in the Solar System 815 times as big in the volume as the Earth and measuring 74,567 mi around its equator.

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    ''Types of Planets in the Solar System'' Part 2 1

    • Mercury- is the nearest planet to the Sun during its orbit it is between 28.5 and 43.3 million mi away.
    • Venus- is the nearest of the all the planet to Earth in the size measuring 7,521 mi across its diameter.
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  10. ''The Solar System'' part 1

    The Solar System is made up of the Sun
    the nine planets and their 135 known moons
    asteroids comets dust and gas. The planets asteroids and comets travel around the sun the center of our Solar System. 
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    ''Solid Water''

    Solid water is called ice.
    In a Solid the molecules 
    can move very little.
    They are held in a
    rigid framework or
    pattern by bonds between
    them. So a solid stays 
    in the same shape 
    unless subject to
    powerful forces
    such as twisting 
    or crushing.
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    ''Black Holes and Electricity''

    An artist's impression of
    what a black hole night
    look like with jets of
    electricity shooting out
    from either side. 
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    ''Nebulae types'' 

    There are three main types  of nebulae:
    dark nebulae

    Nebulae was the 
    once used for any
    fuzzy patch of
    light in the night
    sky. Today nebulae
    are giant in the cloud
    of dust and gas where
    new  stars are
    born and old 
    ones die. 
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    ''Short facts of Nebula''

    The Crab Nebula is the remains of 
    supernova that exploded in AD 1054.
    Many nebula are gigantic clouds of 
    gas and space dust. 
    The Ring Nebula
    in Lyra is the
    best-known of
    the planetary nebula.
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    ''Amazing Fact of Milky Way''

    If the sun were the size of
    a baseball the density of
    the stars in the Milky Way
    would be comparable to
    scattering eighty baseballs
    Across the Usa  
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  16. ''Black Hole''

    A week observation through 
    the optic eye of the Chandra
    X-ray Observatory revealed
    a stunning explosions occurring
    in the Supermassive
    Black Hole of the 
    Milky Way center
    known as Sagittarius.
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    ''Amazing fact of Galaxy''

    When galaxies get too near
    they pull each other into
    weird shapes often with
    a long tail or a 
    bright ring.
    Large galaxies swallow
    up small ones that
    get too close.
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    Galaxies are giant groups 
    of million or even trillions
    of stars. Our own local galaxy
    is the Milky way. 
    There may be twenty 
    trillion galaxies in the
    in the Universe.
    Four kinds of galaxy
    -Barred Spiral

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    ''Some galaxies in the Local Group''

    The Milky way is part of a group of
    galaxies held together by gravity which 
    is called the local  group Milky way and
    Andromeda are part of local group.
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    If you look  at the

    sky through binocular 
    you can see some fuzzy
    patches between the 
    pinpoint. stars Some 
    are dusters star cluster 
    or distant galaxies. 
    The three great pyramid 
    of ancient Egypt at 
    Giza are positioned 
    in such a way as to
    minor the pattern of 
    the three bright in the
    constellation Orion.
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    ''Life cycle of a star''

    The life of a star gases 
    and dust collect and 
    form a hot care a new 
    star. A main sequence 
    star like our Sun shines 
    for 10 billion years.
    This coals to a red 
    giant which leave 
    is a smaller hotter
    while dwarf. 
    ''Amazing fact on star''
    It is estimated that
    there are about 50,000
    billion billion stars in
    the universe more 
    than all the grains
    of sand on all 
    the beaches of
    the earth.
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  22. ''Stars''

    A star is a ball of gas 
    so hot that it burns and
    glows. The temperature of
    stars range from 3,812^o F 
    to about 90,012^o F.
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    "Amazing fact on Big bang''
    *Scientists believe that because 
    both space and time began
    with the Big Bang
    There may possibly 
    be no time
    before it  occurred. 
    ''Hot Ball''
    Scientists have calculated that 
    the hot ball before the Big Bang.
    must have swelled at much  faster 
    rate than even the speed
    of light the hot ball 
    would have grown is
    the size of a galaxy 
    within a fraction. 
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  24. ''The Big Bang short paragraph 1-1

    The Universe is everything, which we can 
    ever know-all of space and all of time. It is 
    almost entirely empty with small cluster of matter and energy the Universe is about
    1.5 billion years old but estimates vary. The 
    Big Bang explains is how scientists about 
    think the Universe began 15 billion years old. 
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