The followings  are contrasts recorded in Romans 9.(1).

Ishmael versus Isaac (vv 6,7) (2) children of the flesh versus

children of God (v. 8) Esau verses Jacob (v.13) (4) hate

versus love (v.13) (5)  hardening versus mercy (vv  16-18) (6)

man versus God (v.20) (7) clay versus the potter (v 21) (8)

vessels unto dishonor versus vessels of  honor (v 21) (9)

enduring the vessels of wrath versus the riches of glory on
vessels of   mercy (vv 22,23) (10) fitted to destruction versus

prepared beforehand for glory (vv.22,23) (11) faith versus

works (v 32) and (12) election versus reproduction (vv 11 17 18).