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The Pagemaster Richard

The Pagemaster part 1
Richard page 1-4

But Richard Tyler was not a typical ten year old. He dreamed about things like being struck by lightning getting sucked into tornadoes or falling into theGrand Canyon. To Richard the world was the scariest place imaginable a dangerous place full of accidents waiting to happen. If a ten year old ever expected tomake it to eleven he'd better be prepared for these dangers. Richard fanned his emergency flashlightaround his room lighting up his fire exitinguidshers his earthquake kits and his crash helmets. The flashlight also lit up some of his favorite wall signs No Smoking Caution Beward.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Richard 1-3

  • It must be a dream he told himself just another bad dream. At this time of night most ten year old boys were fast dreaming about thing like playing baseball riding bikes and climbing trees.

richard page 1-2


  • Lightning flashed  Thunder exploded ten year old Richard Tyler sprang up in is his bed gasping for breath He could feel his heart pounding 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Richard page 1


  • Dark dangerous storm cloud filled the night sky. They shifted and twisted and swirled into terrible shapes. pirate ships. haunted houses dragons.