
    Cells part 3

    • The biggest cells in the body can be nerve cells. Although the main nucleus of nerve cells is microscopic the tails can extend for over 3 ft. (1 m) or more through and be seen even without a microscopic.
    • Among the smallest cells in the body are red blood cells. These are just 0,0075 mm across and have no nucleus  since  nearly their only task is ferrying oxygen. 
    • Most body cells live a very short time and are continually being replaced by new ones. The main exception are nerve cells these are long lived but rarely replaced.   
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    Too Tired!

    If your body feels
    sleepy, it is for a
    good reason. Don't
    ignore it! People
    who try to stay
    awake too longer
    you will feel confused, suffer
    have headache worse and
    cannot work or read
    play at their best.
    That is why your body
    needs to rest.
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    ''Cells'' Part 2

    • Inside the cell is a liquid called cytoplasm and floating in this are various minutes structures which is called organdles.
    • At the center  of the nuclus this is the cell's control center.
    •  It contains the molecule DNA (see genes)
    • DNA has all the instructions the cell to funcation as well as the pattern for new human life.
    • Each cell is a dymatic chemical factory and the cell's team of organelles is conitually busy ferrying chemicals back and forth breathing unwanted chemical and putting new ones. 
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    ''Cells'' three main ideas Part 1

    • Cells are the basic building blocks of your body. Most are tiny you would need 10,000 (ten thousand to cover a pinhead.
    • In addition, there are more than 200 (two hundred) different kinds of cell in  your body including nerve cells skin blood cells bone cells home fat cells muscle cells and many more.
    • A cell is basically a little package of organic (life) chemicals with a thin membrane (casing) of protain and fat. The membrane holds the cell together however, lets nutrients in and waste out.
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    Microscopes part 2

    • Electrons have wavelengths one hundred thousand (100,000) times smaller than light and so can give huge magnifications.
    • Scanning electrons microscopes SEMs are able to magnify things up to one hundred thousand (100,000) times.
    • SEMs show such things as the structures inside body cells.
    • Tranmission Electron Micropes (TEMS) magnify even more than SEMS -up to five (5) million times,
    • In addition, TEMs can reveal the individual molecules in the cell.
    • SEM specimens (things studied) must be coated in a special substance such as gold. They give a three dimensional view.
    • Optical miscropes speciment are thinly sliced and placed between two glass slides They give a cross sectional view.
    • Microscopes help to indenfily germs.
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    ''Microscopes 1''

    • Optical Microscopes use lenses and light to magnify things (make them look bigger.) 
    • By combining two or more lenses they can magnify speciments up to 2,000 times and reveal individual  blood cells.
    • To magnify things more scientists use electron microsopes- 
    • microsopes that fire beams of charged particals called electrons.
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    ''tissue and organs part 2 page 12-2''

    • Bone and blood are both connective tissue.
    • Epithdial tissue is good lining or covering material making skin and other parts of the body. 
    • Epithdal tissue may combine three kinds of cell to a make a thin waterpoof layer squamous and columnar cells.
    • Nerve tissue is made mostly from neuron cells that coat them.
    • Organs are made from combinations of tissues.
    • The heart is made mostly of muscle tissue but also includes epithdal and connective tissue.

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    ''Tissue and Organ part 1 page 12''

    • Skin shown here in this highly 
    • magnified photograph is a complex 
    • form of epithedial tissues.
    • A tissue is a body substance made from
    • many of the same type of oil
    • Muscle cells make muscle tissue 
    • nerve  cells and so on.
    • As well  as cells some tissues  include other material. 
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    ''Anatomy part 3 page 11''

    • The central coronal plane divides the body into front back halves.
    • Coronal planes are any slice across the body from side to slide parallel to the central coronal plane.
    • The ventral or anterior is the front half of the body.
    • The dorsal or posterior is the back half of the body.
    • Every part of the body has a Latin name but anatomists use a simple  English name if there is one.
    • In addition, much of our basic knowledge of human anatomy comes from the anatomists of the 16th and 17th centuries who meticulously cut up corposes and then accurately drew what they saw.
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    ''Anatomy part 2 page 1''

    • The first great book of anatomy was written in 1543 by the flemish scientist Andreas Vesalius 1514-1564.
    • It is called Dr. Humani Corporis Fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body)
    • To describe the location of body parts anatomists divide the body into quarters.
    • The anatomical position is  the way the body is positioned to describe anatomical terms upright with the arms hanging down by the sides and the eyes palms and toes facing forward.
    • The central coronal plane divides the body into front and back halves.
    • Conoral planes are any slice across the body from side to side parallel to the central coronal plane.
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  11. ''Anatomy'' Paragraph  1

    • Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human.
    • Comparative anatomy compares the structure of our bodies in those of animals bodies.
    • The first great anatomist was the ancient Roman physician Galen AD 129 199.
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    ''Body System'' human body page 2

    • The immune system is the body's defense against germ.  It includes white blood cells antibodies and the lymphatic system.
    • The urinary system controls the body's water balance removing extra water as urine and getting rid of impurities in the blood.
    • The respiratory system takes air into the lungs to supply oxygen and lets out waste carbon dioxide.
    • The reproductive system is the smallest of all the system it is  basically the sexual organs that enable people to have children it is the only system that is different in men and women.
    • The Other body system are the hormonal system controls growth and internal coordination by chemical hormones integumentary system skin hairs and nails the sensory system eye ears nose skin and balance. 
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    ''Body System'' human body page 1

    • Your body systems are interlinked each has its own task but they are all dependent on one another.
    • The skeleton supports the body protects the major organs and provides an anchor for the muscles.
    • The nervous system is the brain and the nerves the body's control and communications network.
    • The digestive system breaks down food into chemicals that the body can use to its advantage.
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