How my Journal private personal become a Bestseller Chapter 1  Page 2

My best feature, my big green eyes highlighted in purpley shadow by the make-up artist. My underdeveloped body camouflaged in a blue dress. Ten seconds Chin up Jamie stop looking down you're messing up your hair Diana hissed  Do your grounding breath I tried some of the breathing methods she claimed would prevent me from passing out in front of twenty millions  viewer. Cameras...........rolling the words rang across the studio. The crowd cheered and television in the corner of the room where I was waiting suddenly came to life Mora Live flashed across the screen. I watched as Mora yes that Mora Queen of All talk shows made her way on the stage. My guest today cartainly needs little introducation Mora said, If you have a teenage daughter she probably faked a fever today so she could stay at home and watch this show. Therefore, Diana put her hands on my shoulders careful not to mess up my hair those two hairdressers had slaved over. She gave me a quick message. Jamie loosen up. Think about something that makes you smile Think about Justin Timbakerlake She said. Justin Timbakerlake Justin Timbakerlake Justin Justin. I love Justin. That should make me smile  right. But I suddenly thought of something. Therefore what if Justin Timbakerlake was sitting home resting up after some concert  and all-night party and he's turning on the TV and Mora live is on and he's about to watch me What was I even here. Right now I was supposed to be in English passing notes to Hormony starting at Marco Vega.