
    How Long have people lived in the Americas
    No one really knows how long people have lived in the Americas. For many years archaologists agreed that first people in the Americas arrived for by crossing Beringia no more than 12,000 years ago. These people called the Clovis people were named for the place in New Mexico where their stone artifacts were discovered. I found a bone flake in one of the cave and two years later I found the mammoth bone from which the flake was chipped both dating around 24,000 to before the present........It's good evidence for human presence...certainly at 25,000 B.F. But not all archaeologists agree. 
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    Science for life and living  Balance and Decisions Lesson 1 Machine Grading  part 1
    KT the girl said, ''This year I want good grades in every subject I'm going to work hard to get good grades. CQ said,'' I know an easier way. You won't have to work at all if we use this machine to decide on your grades. Wow show me how it works. 
    Could a grading machine make it easier to get good grades? In this lesson you and your teammates will build grading machines to find out First you will work with your teammates to make the grading machines. Then you and your teammates will use the machine to give one another grades for math science health and social studies. Think about whether your teacher should start using one of these machines to decide on your grades.

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    Matter and Chemicals

    All substances matter and
    chemicals from a pin head to 
    a star are made of atoms. The atoms
    join or bond together to form molecules Atoms and molecules can separate and then join together in new combinations. This is chemical change. Matter exists in three main states solid liquids and gases.
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    Science Discovery 1

    Since ancient times some scientific thinkers
    suspected that everything consisted of  the
    particles Democritus about 470 400 BC 
    of Ancient Greece suggested the world and everything in it were made of particles which were so small that they were invisible to our eyes He believed that these particles were unimaginably hard  lasted for ever and were always moving about. Parts of the modern theory of atom are similar to the ideas of Democritus    
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    Crossing The Desert

    Few people lived in the deserts.
    Most people lived close to the Nile
    River, where they could farm.
    However, dotted throughout the
    deserts there were oases places
    with water travelers could rest. Men would cross the desert using groups of camels to trade with the people who lived beyond the dry sands.
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    Early Farmers 
    Some groups of American Indians kept to
    their way of life as food gatherers for thou
    sands of years. Others however, took the first steps toward a new technology that would change their lives and grow some of their own food. This was the beginning of agriculture or farming in the American. In addition, Indian peoples in Central America were among the first to develop agriculture in the Americas. Some of the earliest farmers lived in the Teotihuacan Valley in central Mexico.  
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    Kachina Figures

    Pueblo families taught their 
    children the names and 
    special powers of the 
    kachina by giving them
    figures Fathers and grandfathers curved and
    painted the wooden figures to look like the
    different kachinas. By studying the figures, 
    children learned what the spirits stood for Kachina figures were not play. They were meant to be treasured and passed on to each child's own children.
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    ''Red Ribbons''

    Red Ribbons are so universally recognized as symbols of the fight against AIDS that many people think grew out of a spontaneous grass-roots movement. In reality the ribbons were introduced in 1998 by Visual AIDS a group of artists and others determined to heighten awareness of the disease. Noting the popularity of the yellow ribbons worn during the Persian Gulf War, they designed their own ribbon-a simple folded red band-and  sent it to organizers of entertainment events and  other trendsetters.  The emblem first worn by actor at the Tony Awards ceremony and later by Oscar nominees in Hollywood was soon throughout the world. The ribbons helped bring AIDS into the open and they have inspired innovative fund-raising efforts. Ad-vocation of other causes have since adopted their own ribbons pink for breast cancer research purple for the fight against urban violence and green for environmental concern.  
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    Independence Day

    On July 4, 1776 the Second Continental 
    Congress approved the Declaration of
    Independence. After the vote the president
    of the Congress. John Hancock signed
    his name to the document in large.
    bold writing John Adams writing home to his
    wife Abigail said that the event should be
    remembered with shows games bells sports and fireworks from this time forward forever more American have celebrated the fourth of July or Independence Day as a national holiday ever since.  
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    First American 

    ''For a long time everyone 
    spoke the same language 
    began to speak in different 
    tongues kulsu the creator however
    could speak all of the languages
    so he called his people together and told them the names of the animals in their own languages taught them to get food and gave them their laws and rituals Then he sent each tribe to a different place  to live'' 
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    ''The search for early people'' Part 1 paragraph 2

      Over the Land bridge 
       At a number of times in 
    the Earth has had long period
    of bitter cold. During these periods
    known as the Ice Ages all but the places 
    near the equator shivered through long hard 
    winters. Life could not have  been easy in those wintry times. Days even weeks were spent inside small shelters made of animals skins. Fires inside helped keep people warm while icy winds blew outside. The weather was not as cold during the short summer however melting ice turned the frozen ground into field  of mud.
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    ''The search early people'' part 1 paragraph 1

        Humans have always been on the move.
        From earliest times until today people  
        have wandered the globe. Sometimes their 
    journeys are fast moving exciting adventures.
    Other times their movements are so slow that they are hard to notice. It was in just this way very-very slowly-that early peoples first moved from place to place on the earth.