Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Christopher Columbus part 1

Christopher Columbus 

After sailing for many days Christopher Columbus and his crew reached an island in America. Christopher Columbus lived a long time ago. In addition, Columbus was born in 1451 in Italy. Columbus became a sailor. He also made maps. In the 1400s people knew less about the world than we know today. Some people believed the world was flat. No one in Europe knew there was the land we now call America. Only the Native Americans knew about their land. At that time people from Europe went to India to get jewels silk and spices. They traveled thousands of miles to the east to reach India. Their route was long and dangerous.  In addition, Columbus sailed with three ships the Nina the pinto and the Santa Maria. Christopher Columbus wanted to find an easier way totravel to India. Christopher Columbus thought the world was round. He believed he could go to India by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. Many people did not believe Columbus. They laughed at him. Columbus needed  ships and sailors to across the Atlantic Ocean. Columbus went to see Isabella the queen of Spain. Queen Isabella thought about Columbus's plan for six years. She believed he was right. She thought Columbus could reach India by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. She wanted Columbus to find gold for Spain. Isabella  decided to help him. Queen Isabella gave Columbus three small ships the names of the ships were the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria. Columbus and the sailors sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean.