Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Count for christmas #21

''Thank You God for Christmas'' part 1Written by Henrietta D GambillIllustrated by Kathryn HuttonChristmas is a very special time. It's a time to say thank you to God. In addition, And this is how Christmas began a long long time ago. An angel named Gabriel knew about Christmas before anyone else.God  sent him all the way from Heaven to talk to Mary. He told Mary that soon she would have a baby boy. Her little boy would be Jesus. Thank you for the angel Gabriel. Mary wanted to tell someone her good news so she hurried to see her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth was happy to hear that Mary would soon have a baby boy. She said that Mary was special because God had chosen her to be the mother of His Son Jesus. Thank You God for Elizabeth. A little brown donkey helped Mary just before her baby was born. She and Joseph needed to go a long trip and the little donkey let Mary ride on his back.  He took Mary from her home in Nazareth to the little town of Bethlehem. It was a long way too but the little donkey kept clip clopping along  until they reached Bethlehem. Thank You God for the little brown donkey. In Bethlehem Mary and Joseph met a kind man. He was an innkeeper. They wanted to stay in his inn but all the rooms were filled by the time Mary and Joseph get there. The innkeeper knew that Mary would soon have  her baby so he let them stay in a warm stable where animals were kept. Thank You God for the kind innkeeper.