Pilgrims Thanksgiving part 2

Pilgrims Thanksgiving part 2
In 1620 the Pilgrims left Holland for America. They had a ship. Their ship was the Mayflower. The trip took 66 days. The weather was rainy cold. Many Pilgrims became sick during the long cold trip. At last, the Mayflower reached America. It landed in Massachusetts. Before leaving their ship, the Pilgrims made a plan for a government. That plan was the Mayflower Compact. The plan said the pilgrims would work together to make laws. The laws would be fair to all. The Pilgrims would not have a king in America. They would choose a governor and rule themselves. In addition, Mayflower Compact was the first government in America that allowed people from Europe to rule themselves. Therefore, the Pilgrims landed inNovember. They started a town  which is called Plymouth. The weather was very cold. It was too cold to grow food. The first winter in Plymouth was terrible. There was little food. Many Pilgrims became sick and died.
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