The Pilgrims' Thanksgiving part 1
The Pilgrims' trip to America took 66 days. They landed in Massachusetts in November 1620. In addition, a long time ago the Pilgrims lived in England. All the people in England had to pray in the king 's church. This church was called the Church of England. The Pilgrims did not like the Church of England. They wanted to pray in their own church. The Pilgrims left England. They wanted to pray in their own church. The Pilgrims left England and went to a small country, which was called Holland. There was freedom of religion in Holland. The people of holland, which are called the Dutch. In addition, they speak the Dutch language. The Pilgrims did not like living in Holland. They wanted to keep their English ways. They decided to go to America. In America, they could live as they wanted and have freedom of religion.