Saturday, November 26, 2016

Chanticleer and the Fox 4

 Chanticleer and the Fox 4
The cow ran, the calf ran and the pigs began to squeal and run too. The ducks and geese quaked in terror and flew up into the treetops. Never was there such an uproar. Reyard began to feel a bit frightened himself. Clamped between the fox's teeth. Chanticleer yet managed to say, How swiftly you do run. If I were you, I should have some fun with those slowpokes who are trying to catch you. Call out to them and say Why do you creep along like snails Look I am far ahead of you and shall soon be feasting on this fowl in spite of all of you. Reyard was pleased with this idea. He stopped short turned to face his pursuers and opened his mouth. But as soon as he did so the rooster flew away and perched up in a tree safety out of reach. The fox saw he had lost his prey and began his old tricks again. My dear friend I'm sure there has been some misunderstanding I was only proving to you how important you are in the barnyard. See what a commotion we caused I did not mean to frighten you. Come down now and we will go along together to my home. I have something very interesting to show you there. No said Chanticleer You will not catch me again I have learned to keep my eyes open and  my mouth closed He who does otherwise deserves what gets. By this time Chanticleer's friends were drawing near so Reyard turned to flee And I have learned he grumbled as he sped away through the  wood that he who talks when he should be silent deserves to lose what he has gained.