Friday, November 25, 2016

Chanticleer and the Fox 3

 Chanticleer and the Fox 3

Cok Cok he cried in terror and turned to flee.  But Reyard piped up in his gentlest voice Dear friend why do you go? I only crept down there to hear your sing. Your voice is like an angel's. Chanticleer paused turned and listened. Reyard  spoke on in soothing tones. Your father once visited my house I should so love to see you there too I wonder if you remember your father's singing? I never thought to hear so wonderful a voice again until heard you sing this morning. Oh said Chanticleer as he puffed out his chest feathers. I can almost see your father now said the fox. He would stand on tiptoe stretching out his long slender neck sending out his glorious voice. He always flapped his wings and closed his eyes before he sang. Do you do it in the same way? Won't you sing just once and let me hear you? I am  so anxious to know if you  really sing better than your father. Chanticleer was so pleased with this flattery that he flapped his wings stood up on tiptoe shut his eyes and crowed as loudly as he could. No sooner had he begun than Reyard sprang forward, caught him by the throat threw him over his shoulder and made off toward his den in the woods. The hens made a loud outcry when they saw Chanticleer being carried off so that the people in the cottage nearby heard and ran out after the fox. The dog heard and ran yelping after him.   
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