Friday, November 25, 2016

Chanticleer and the Fox 2

 Chanticleer and the Fox 2

Tut tut Dame Partlet clucked are you a  coward to be frightened by a dream? You've been eating more than was good for you. I wish my husband to be wise and brave and if he would keep my love. With that she smoothed her feathers and slowly closed her scarlet eyes. Oh course you are right my love replied Chanticleer. And yet I have heard of many dreams that warn of danger to come. But we will not talk of it now. I  am quite happy to be here by the side of the fairest hen in all the land. Dame Partlet half opened one eye and made a pleased sound deep in her throat. The next morning Chanticleer flew down from the perch and called  his hens about him for their breakfast. He walked about boldly calling Cluck cluck at each grain of corn he found. He felt very proud as they all looked at him admiring. He strutted about in the sunlight flapping his wings to show off his feathers and then throwing back his head and crowing. His dream was forgotten there was no fear in his heart. Now all this time Reyard the fox was lying hidden in the brushes on the edge of the wood bordering the barnyard. Chanticleer walked nearer and nearer the hiding place. Suddenly he saw a butterfly in the grass and as he stopped toward it he speied the fox.