Chanticleer and the Fox 1

Chanticleer and the Fox  1

From Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Once upon a time in a barnyard close to a wood in a little valley there lived a rooster named Chanticleer. His bill was shiny black his comb was redder than coral and his feathers were like burnished gold. And his voice oh it was wonderful to hear. It was merrier than a sprightly tune played on the church organ. Just before dawn each morning his crowing sounded over the valley as regular as a well-wound  clock. This fine rooster had seven fine hens.  One night as he sat on the perch by the side of the fairest of the hens. Dame Partlet he began to make a curious noise in his throat like a man having a bad dream. What is it my dear said Dame Partlet. Why do you groan so. Oh said Chanticleer I had the most horrible dream. I thought that as I roamed down by the wood a beast like a dog sprang out and seized me. His color was red his nose was small and his eyes were like coals of fire Ugh it was terrible.