Friday, October 23, 2015
verses from bible
1.) They wandered in the wilderness in a desert region did not find a way to an inhabited city. They were hungry and thirsty. Psalm 107:4-5
2.) He feeds on ashes a deceived heart has turned him aside. And he cannot deliver himself. Isaiah 44:20.
3.) Whoever drinks of the water that I [Jesus] shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that a well of water springing up to eternal life. John 4:14
Friday, October 23, 2015
The Lord will cause you to be defeated by your enemies. You will attack your enemies from one direction however, you will scatter from them in seven.
God is light. and in him is no darkness at all.
The incarnation of Jesus Christ was a change of state but not a change of nature.
Faith in the Son gives victory over the world.
The Son is true God and eternal life.
The Lord Jesus is eternally the only One of His kind.
People say Isaac was not only son. In addition, Ishmael was also Abraham's son.