andy ant 9

Everybody has been 

so worried about you

two. Andy's mom said

We're just glad you're 
home safe. And she gave

them a big two way hug.

You boys get cleaned up

and grab something to 

eat. Andy's dad said 

As soon as you're finished

we're going to have a serious

talk. He sounded pretty stern 

just like a dad would sound after

you've done something you weren't

I supposed to but I could tell he was 

glad Andy was OK. He put his arms 

around Andy and Dickter and they 

started for their house. Hey Andy 

I said, come over and see me when you're 

done. Andy still had his hands in his pockets.

He glanced at me and shook his head in  

disgust Yeah I'll see you later he said

He was pretty upset with me and I guess

he had every right to be. I'd really messed

things up. It seemed like a long time later

that I heard a familiar tap on my window. 

I opened it and Andy stood there looking 

at me. Hi Andy I said glad he had showed 

up Was your dad really mad. No  he was 

just really worried. Andy said quietly 

Well good Everything's back to normal

I said But Andy shook his head. No

it really isn't. Dickter still feels bad 

about you making fun of him. Joey

I had told Dickter all about you, that

you were my best real person friend

So he wanted to be your friend too.

I was really bad now. I wished my bed would

swallow me up. You know Andy went on 

Dickter still likes you. He just thinks you don't 

like cause you didn't act wanted to be friends.

I didn't mean to hurt Dickter I said I was kidding 

around. Andy shook his head. Joey a problem like 

stuttering is nothing to kid someone about. You hurt  Dickter's feelings. You made him feel stupid 

because  he can't talk you and me. But he's not stupid he's smart and funny and he likes to make 

friends. And Andy added looking at me he 

would never say anything to hurt someone's feeling. I felt my cheeks turn red and I looked away Andy I said after a minute. I'm sorry I would like to be Dickter's friend if he'll let me. Do you 

think he will I looked at Andy. Why don't you ask Dickter Andy said smiling. Just then Dickter peeked over the edge of the windowsill. He looked OK but his big smile was missing. H H hi Joey Dickter began. I-I know I s-shouldn't have run away. I-I-I just w-wanted you to like A-Andy. A-and when you didn't I-I-I felt real b-bad.