andy ants 8

At last the school bell

rang. By the time the teacher

said, Class dismissed I was 

halfway out the door. I jumped

on my bicycle and rode to the 

ant soccer  field. I was hoping

Andy and Dickter were there. 
Andy would never miss soccer

practice unless he has really sick

or something bad like that. Parker

must have thought the same thing,

because he was standing on the

sidelines when I got there. Hey

Parker I said trying to pretend 

I wasn't really concerned have

you found those runaway ants 

yet. No I sure haven't he said

I didn't think anything could 

keep those two from soccer

practice. Something terrible 

must have happened. Parker's 

voice had a little quiver in it
and the sick feeling in my 

stomach got even worse. Oh I 

bet they're already at home having

their afternoon snack I said hoping

Parker wouldn't see how worried

I really was C'mon Parker hop 

on my bike and we'll go find out.

When we rode into my driveway.

Parker jumped off the bike and 

ran to his house. Andy's parents 

had both come home from work

when they heard that Andy and 

Dickter hadn't shown up at school.

Andy's mom looked real worried.

Parker came back out and said

that ants all around Grand Ant 

were looking for Andy and Dickter.

The only thing we could do was wait.

It was almost dark when I heard a cheer

and saw a bunch of ants running around

as if someone had just stepped on their

house. I looked down and there they were

Andy  and Dickter just walking up the 

sidewalk. They seemed a little confused 

at all the excitement until Andy's mom 

hugged him and asked. Oh Andy why did 

you run away. Well I didn't really he said

looking up at his mom and dad, his hands

in his pockets. But Dickter wanted to

run away and I figured somebody should

go with him cause he was feeling so bad.

Dickter didn't say a word he just stood 

a little  behind Andy looking down 

at the ground.