Anne of  green gables 18-1

One of them was Gilbert Blythe. He tried everything to get Anne to notice him but nothing seemed to work. In addition, Gilbert was a handsome boy and he wasn't used to having a girl ignore him. One day when the teacher was working with one of the older students in the back of the room. Gilbert reached across the aisle and picked up the end of Anne's long red braid. In addition, Carrots Gilbert said in a loud whisper. Carrots Anne looked at him then. She jumped to her feet and glared at Gilbert with eyes that sparkled with both anger and tears. You mean hateful boy she cried How dare you Then Thank Anne brought her slate down on Gilbert's head so hard that the slate cracked clear across. Everyone said Oh  in horrified delight. The teacher Mr Philip stabled down the aside and laid his hand heavily on Anne's shoulder What is the meaning of this he demanded. If was Gilbert who answered it was my fault Mr Philips he said I teased her. Mr. Philips paid no attention to him. I am sorry to see a pupil of mine displaying such a temper he said to Anne.